Wednesday, 2 March 2011


I made the gun James Bond uses in Goldfinger. It was quite easy to make. I used a box and extruded it a few times for most of the gun, except for the trigger and trigger gaurd. For the trigger and the guard i used the line too to draw it and increased the length and width to give the dimensions i needed. I used the boolean tool to make a whole in the barrel and also through a cylinder to make the hammer.


Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Laser pewpew

One of the most memorable and iconic scenes from 'Goldfinger' is the scene when James Bond is captured and has to escape from being cut in half by a laser. One of the models i have made is of the laser from this scene. I basically just started with a cylinder and extruded all the way down and beveled in as the laser tube gets narrower. For the swirl inside the laser i used the helix tool on splines and just cloned one and attached it to make a proper spiral. I put luminosity on the spiral and the laser to make them bright and also reflect off the glass on the laser. It took a while to figure out all the materials and why certain things weren't doing what they were suppose to. I used glass for certain sections of the laser but for some reason it wasn't being see-through and wasn't reflecting anything. After a lot of confusion as to what i had actually done it just turned out i had used the wrong material! Raytrace was the way to go apparently. Noted for future reference...

A couple of details still need to be added, but this is how it looks so far.

Oddjobs hat

So I've decided to do my trailer for the film 'Goldfinger'. One of the main characters of this particular film is Oddjob and his hat. I have made just a simple model of his hat and I have also made a hand that will be shown to throw the hat in the trailer.

This is the hand in the modelling process. I need to smooth it over and finish it completely but this is how it looks so far. I started of with a a simple square and extruded. I moved the vertex's to make the hand look rounder. To make the knuckles and joints on the fingers i beveled out the polygons slightly. I added a skin material to the hand and ,made a darker skin material for the finger nails.